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Buckhill d.d. Privacy and Cookie Policy
Buckhill d.d. ("we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the responsible use of personal information collected through our website, www.buckhill.co.uk ("Website"). This Privacy and Cookie Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information, as well as your rights regarding your personal data.
We collect information to provide better services to our users. This includes:
Personal Information: Information you provide directly, such as your name, email address, and any other details you submit through contact forms or registration processes.
Usage Data: Information collected automatically when you visit our Website, including your IP address, browser type, pages visited, and the date and time of your visit.
We use your personal information to:
Respond to your inquiries and provide information about our services.
Process job applications if you submit a resume or CV.
Send newsletters or updates if you have subscribed, with the option to unsubscribe at any time.
Our Website uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and analyze website performance.
4.1 What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you visit a website. They help us understand how you interact with our Website and remember your preferences.
4.2 Types of Cookies We Use
We use the following types of cookies:
Cookie/Storage Name | Domain | Category | Purpose | Retention Period | Third Country Transfer |
_ga | .buckhill.co.uk | Statistical/Analytics | Tracks website usage and visitor behavior (Google Analytics). | 2 years | Yes (USA) |
_gid | .buckhill.co.uk | Statistical/Analytics | Tracks website usage and visitor behavior (Google Analytics). | 1 day | Yes (USA) |
_fbp | .buckhill.co.uk | Marketing | Tracks user interactions for Facebook advertising. | 3 months | Yes (USA) |
_gat | .buckhill.co.uk | Performance | Limits data collection on high-traffic sites (Google Analytics). | 1 minute | Yes (USA) |
Session Storage | .buckhill.co.uk | Functional | Maintains user session data during website navigation. | End of session | No |
Local Storage | .buckhill.co.uk | Functional | Stores user preferences, such as language settings. | Persistent | No |
4.3 Managing Cookies and Storage
Most web browsers allow control of cookies through browser settings. To find out more about cookies, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics, visit Google's opt-out tool.
You can also manage your cookie preferences and storage settings through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to:
View and delete stored data.
Block third-party cookies.
Clear all cookies and site data.
Please note that disabling cookies or storage may affect the functionality of our Website.
We use third-party services, such as Google Analytics and Facebook, which may process your data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). When such transfers occur, we ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your data.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enhances privacy legislation. Buckhill d.d. ensures the privacy of customer data and maintains full compliance in all areas of our business.
Buckhill d.d. has a designated Data Protection Officer (DPO), responsible for GDPR compliance, maintaining records of processing activities, and ensuring transparency.
To adhere to GDPR requirements, all relevant agreements have been reviewed for compliance. This ensures appropriate wordings are in place to cover the duration, nature, and purpose of processing, as well as customers' rights.
Buckhill d.d. ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data with appropriate security measures.
Under the GDPR, we must notify any data breach to the supervisory authority without undue delay. Our processes and procedures ensure prompt reporting and mitigation of potential breaches.
If a breach occurs, our notification shall:
Describe the nature of the breach, including approximate numbers of affected data subjects and records.
Provide contact details for the Data Protection Officer.
Explain the likely consequences of the breach.
Outline the measures taken to address and mitigate its effects.
Under the GDPR, our customers have enhanced rights concerning their personal data:
Right to be informed
Right of access
Right to rectification
Right to erasure
Right to restriction of processing
Right to data portability
Right to object
Right not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling
If you wish to obtain copies of the data we hold about you, contact our Data Protection Officer at:
Buckhill d.d.
Remetinečka cesta 13
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +385 (0)1 4663719
Buckhill d.d. understands the importance of protecting children's privacy. Our sites are not designed for or directed at children under 16. We do not knowingly collect or maintain information about anyone under 16.
Personal information will be retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of its collection or as required by law. We do not share personal information with third parties except as necessary to conduct business and only with prior consent or legal obligation. We never sell your personal information.
Third-party services may involve the processing of unique user identifiers or data transfers outside the EU/EEA. When applicable, users will be informed of such data transfers and security measures taken to protect their information.
Buckhill d.d. recognizes its responsibility for protecting online privacy. If you have questions or concerns, contact us at [email protected].
Pravila o privatnosti i kolačićima Buckhill d.d.
Buckhill d.d. („mi“, „nas“ ili „naš“) predano štiti vašu privatnost i osigurava odgovorno korištenje osobnih podataka prikupljenih putem naše internetske stranice, www.buckhill.co.uk („Internetska stranica“). Ova Pravila o privatnosti i kolačićima objašnjavaju kako prikupljamo, koristimo, dijelimo i štitimo vaše podatke te koja su vaša prava u vezi s obradom osobnih podataka.
Prikupljamo podatke kako bismo poboljšali naše usluge i korisničko iskustvo. To uključuje:
Osobni podaci: Podaci koje nam izravno dostavite, poput imena, adrese e-pošte i drugih informacija unesenih putem kontakt obrazaca ili registracijskih procesa.
Podaci o korištenju: Informacije koje se automatski prikupljaju prilikom posjeta našoj internetskoj stranici, uključujući IP adresu, vrstu preglednika, posjećene stranice te datum i vrijeme posjeta.
Vaše osobne podatke koristimo za:
Odgovaranje na vaše upite i pružanje informacija o našim uslugama.
Obradu prijava za posao ako pošaljete životopis ili molbu.
Slanje newslettera ili obavijesti, uz mogućnost odjave u bilo kojem trenutku.
Naša internetska stranica koristi kolačiće i slične tehnologije za poboljšanje korisničkog iskustva i analizu performansi stranice.
4.1 Što su kolačići?
Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje se pohranjuju na vaš uređaj prilikom posjeta internetskoj stranici. Omogućuju nam razumijevanje interakcije korisnika s našom stranicom i spremanje njihovih postavki.
4.2 Vrste kolačića koje koristimo
Kolačić/Naziv spremnika | Domena | Kategorija | Svrha | Razdoblje pohrane | Prijenos u treće zemlje |
_ga | .buckhill.co.uk | Statistički/Analitički | Praćenje korištenja web stranice i ponašanja korisnika (Google Analytics) | 2 godine | Da (SAD) |
_gid | .buckhill.co.uk | Statistički/Analitički | Praćenje korištenja web stranice i ponašanja korisnika (Google Analytics) | 1 dan | Da (SAD) |
_fbp | .buckhill.co.uk | Marketinški | Praćenje interakcija korisnika za Facebook oglašavanje | 3 mjeseca | Da (SAD) |
_gat | .buckhill.co.uk | Performanse | Ograničavanje prikupljanja podataka na stranicama s velikim prometom (Google Analytics) | 1 minuta | Da (SAD) |
Session Storage | .buckhill.co.uk | Funkcionalni | Održavanje korisničke sesije tijekom navigacije stranicom | Kraj sesije | Ne |
Local Storage | .buckhill.co.uk | Funkcionalni | Pohrana korisničkih postavki, npr. jezičnih postavki | Trajno | Ne |
4.3 Upravljanje kolačićima i pohranom podataka
Većina internetskih preglednika omogućuje kontrolu kolačića putem postavki preglednika. Više informacija o kolačićima možete pronaći na www.aboutcookies.org ili www.allaboutcookies.org.
Za isključivanje praćenja putem Google Analyticsa posjetite Googleov alat za isključivanje. Onemogućavanje kolačića može utjecati na funkcionalnost naše stranice.
Koristimo usluge trećih strana, kao što su Google Analytics i Facebook, koji mogu obrađivati vaše podatke izvan Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EEA). Kada dođe do takvih prijenosa, osiguravamo odgovarajuće zaštitne mjere kako bismo zaštitili vaše podatke.
Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka (GDPR) poboljšava postojeću regulativu privatnosti. Buckhill d.d. osigurava privatnost podataka korisnika i u potpunosti se pridržava svih propisa.
Buckhill d.d. imenovao je službenika za zaštitu podataka (DPO), koji je odgovoran za usklađenost s GDPR-om, vođenje evidencije aktivnosti obrade i osiguravanje transparentnosti.
Svi relevantni ugovori revidirani su kako bi bili u skladu s GDPR-om. To osigurava pravilno definiranje trajanja, svrhe i prirode obrade, kao i prava korisnika.
Buckhill d.d. osigurava povjerljivost, integritet i dostupnost osobnih podataka kroz odgovarajuće sigurnosne mjere.
U skladu s GDPR-om, dužni smo bez odgađanja prijaviti bilo kakvu povredu podataka nadležnom nadzornom tijelu.
Ako dođe do povrede, obavijest će sadržavati:
Opis povrede i približan broj pogođenih korisnika.
Kontakt podatke službenika za zaštitu podataka.
Moguće posljedice povrede.
Poduzete mjere za rješavanje problema i sprječavanje daljnjih povreda.
U skladu s GDPR-om, korisnici imaju sljedeća prava:
Pravo na informiranost
Pravo na pristup podacima
Pravo na ispravak
Pravo na brisanje podataka („pravo na zaborav“)
Pravo na ograničenje obrade
Pravo na prenosivost podataka
Pravo na prigovor
Pravo da ne budu podvrgnuti automatiziranom donošenju odluka, uključujući profiliranje
Za pristup podacima koje posjedujemo o vama, obratite se našem službeniku za zaštitu podataka:
Buckhill d.d.
Remetinečka cesta 13,
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +385 (0)1 4663719
Buckhill d.d. razumije važnost zaštite privatnosti djece. Naša internetska stranica nije namijenjena osobama mlađima od 16 godina i ne prikupljamo svjesno podatke od djece.
Osobni podaci čuvaju se samo onoliko dugo koliko je potrebno za ispunjenje svrhe prikupljanja ili prema zakonskim obvezama. Ne dijelimo osobne podatke s trećim stranama osim kada je to nužno za poslovanje i samo uz prethodni pristanak ili zakonsku obvezu.
Ako imate pitanja ili pritužbe u vezi s obradom vaših podataka, kontaktirajte nas na [email protected].
United Kingdom
Buckhill Ltd
Lloyd's of London, Room 897
One Lime Street
London, EC3M 7HA
Buckhill d.d.
Remetinečka cesta 13
Phone: +385(0)1 4663719
Contact us 8am - 6pm GMT (Mon-Fri)
Existing customers, request support & assistance.
Buckhill®, C2MS® and AuthStack® are registered trademarks of Buckhill Ltd.
We use essential cookies to make this website work.
We would like to set additional cookies to understand how you interact with our website, remember your preferences and enhance our services.
For even more information, please refer to our Cookie Policy.
Cookies that are strictly necessary for our website to function correctly. They enable you to interact and access essential features of our website.
Cookies that enable our website to provide improved functionality and personalisation by remembering a user’s choice about cookies on our website.
Cookies installed by Google Analytics and Facebook that enable the analysis of how visitors use our website. This information will be used for creating reports of our websites’performance.
Cookies installed by Google Universal Analytics that regulate request rates, limiting data collection during periods of high traffic.